Congestion pricing is coming to New York City this summer.

It’s long been promised to transform NYC’s public transit system. But with just months to go before its implementation, we need to ensure this promise rings true for New Yorkers – we need to radically improve service

Improving public transit now will attract new riders, and increase ridership for the long-term, making congestion pricing a success. That’s why we’re calling for state funding in this year’s budget (S08658/A9415) to make our buses more frequent, more reliable, and more affordable.

$45 million to increase bus frequency and reliability

Better buses are key to getting congestion pricing right. 

Buses enable riders who live far from the subway to get to mid- and downtown Manhattan and facilitate crosstown and inter-borough travel. But MTA buses are the slowest in the nation and they aren’t reliable.

Making buses more frequent and reliable will offer people a more attractive way to travel into downtown Manhattan, and show New Yorkers that congestion pricing will be met with better public transit options, instead of simply saddling them with higher costs or longer commutes.

$45 million to expand the fare-free bus pilot, bringing three new fare-free routes to each borough

As we make it more expensive to drive, we must make it cheaper to take public transit.

The fare-free bus pilot we won last year has already shown a huge increase in ridership, with riders experiencing economic relief and greater mobility. And fare-free buses increase the quality of service, by decreasing wait times, improving safety, and so much more.

Together, these investments will make sure we Get Congestion Pricing Right!